3 Ways to Check if You Have a Broken Thermostat

You rely on your home’s central HVAC system’s thermostat to function correctly. You look to it to tell you what the indoor temperature is and whether you need to adjust it to make your Hobe Sound, FL, home cozier. These signs can indicate that you have a broken thermostat that needs repair immediately:

No Temperature Control

When your thermostat reads one temperature yet the house feels like it’s another, you can suspect that the thermostat isn’t working properly. This malfunction could be attributed to a number of problems. The thermostat could be dirty or tilted on the wall. It also could be located in a place where it cannot get a proper reading of the temperature inside your home.

Extreme Temperature Swings

Another sign that the thermostat could be going bad involves extreme temperature swings in your home. If your HVAC system kicks on and off too frequently, you have cause to blame the thermostat. The heater or air conditioner must work overtime to keep up with the temperature swings that the thermostat misreads in the home.

No Function

Finally, if the thermostat stops working entirely, you need to have it serviced or repaired right away. Its malfunction could be attributed to problems like faulty wiring or loose connections. It could have short-circuited because of an accumulation of dust and debris inside of its connections. If you clean it and cannot get it to work again, schedule a repair or replacement right away to avoid discomfort. You may also consider upgrading to a smart thermostat which will increase the efficiency of your system.

Ranger Air Conditioning knows what it takes to clean, repair, and replace your faulty or broken thermostat. Contact us today to learn what thermostat services we offer. We’re happy to help Florida homeowners with all their HVAC needs.

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