4 Warning Signs You Need a New HVAC System

You don’t want to incur replacement costs, but your HVAC system may push you to replace it. If you think your HVAC unit isn’t working as it should, it may be time for a replacement. If you notice these four warning signs in your Palm Beach Gardens, FL, home, it’s time you replace your old system.

Your System Requires Regular Repairs

If you find yourself regularly paying for your HVAC system’s repeated repairs, it may be time to surrender and purchase a new one as soon as possible. It’s expensive to frequently repair your air conditioner. Use that money to buy a new one.

You’re Not Getting Cold Air

If your HVAC system is old, it’ll experience problems. It could be maintenance issues, but the inconsistent temperatures in your home mean your system is either not properly installed or not powerful enough. You should schedule regular maintenance or replacement to avoid higher electricity bills and health problems.

You Purchased Your System Over 10 Years Ago

Did you know that the average lifespan of your HVAC system is approximately 10 to 15 years? If your system is this old, congratulations! You’ve gotten the most out of it. However, it’s an opportunity for you to upgrade to a new model without waiting for the old system to break down.

You Hear Loud Noises

Did you hear an unusual sound like squealing, banging or rattling coming from your HVAC system? Turn off your HVAC system and schedule immediate repair or replacement. These noises reflect severe damages that could result in costlier repairs or replacement.

We can help you get a new HVAC system at an affordable price as soon as possible. If you see these signs and you’re interested in replacing your AC system in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, contact Ranger Air Conditioning today.

Image provided by iStock

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