4 Terrible Spots to Install Your New Smart Thermostat

Deciding where to install your new smart thermostat is a big decision. Choosing a bad spot can lead to problems such as inaccurate temperature readings and uneven heating or cooling. You have several installation options, but there are four spots that you should never choose when installing a new smart thermostat in Tequesta, FL.

Near a Window or Door

Areas near a window or door can have drafts that affect the temperature and cause the thermostat to make incorrect readings. This can cause the HVAC system to overheat or waste energy. Avoid putting the thermostat in any area where outside air can directly affect it.

In the Sunlight

Direct sunlight tricks your thermostat into thinking the room is hotter than the actual temperature. If the thermostat is in a sunny spot, it can cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary. It can also cause the heat to shut off before the home is warm enough.

Install the thermostat in an area that has shade and protection from direct sunlight. A comfort specialist can inspect your home or commercial building and determine a good location for the thermostat.

In the Kitchen

The kitchen is often one of the hottest places in a home. The heat from the oven will affect thermostat readings. That means that placing a thermostat in the kitchen will display inaccurate and higher temperature readings.

Near Sources of Heat

Avoid putting a thermostat near radiators, fireplaces or light fixtures. These are sources of heat that will make the thermostat read a higher temperature than the actual room temperature. This will lead to inaccurate readings and result in an inefficient HVAC system.

Take time to think about the best location for your new smart thermostat installation. Contact Ranger Air Conditioning today to discuss your thermostat placement concerns with our comfort specialists.

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