Where Should I Install My New Smart Thermostat in Stuart, FL?
A thermostat can affect how comfortable your home feels. When getting ready to have a smart thermostat installed at your home in Stuart, FL, you’ll want to act strategically. Keep your thermostat in a central location away from any sources of heat and cold air that could influence its readings.
Stay Away From the Heat
As you make your way into the warm season in Stuart, FL, you won’t need your heater. Other things, though, such as refrigerators, televisions, dishwashers and stoves, can all emit heat. If a smart thermostat is too close to those items, it could give a warmer reading than it should, and your air conditioner will run more often.
Direct Sun Can Affect Your Thermostat
If you place your smart thermostat where it receives direct sun, this will also influence the comfort of your home. Sunlight can increase the thermostat’s temperature readings, especially during the hot afternoons that we experience here in Stuart, FL. Your air conditioner will kick on prematurely as a result of this, and you might start receiving utility bills that are higher than usual.
Choose a Central Location
A smart thermostat that has been installed too far away from the center of your home might not register an accurate temperature reading. More isolated locations might be warmer or cooler than the average temperature of your home, especially if the air from a window or exterior door affects the thermostat. A centrally placed thermostat will give you a more accurate and consistent reading. As a result, it can do a better job of keeping your home at a comfortable temperature.
We can install a new smart thermostat for you in a suitable location. Contact our team at Ranger Air Conditioning to learn more about our smart thermostat services. We’ll help you maximize every energy dollar you spend to cool your house this summer.
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