How a Heat Pump Works in Tequesta, FL

Oftentimes, most people don’t consider heat pumps when thinking about cooling a hot house or building. Instead, they consider an air conditioner. But heat pumps work well to cool indoor spaces like an air conditioner and warm them like a furnace. Here’s how your heat pump works and where it works best in Tequesta, FL.

Heat Pump’s Cooling Effect

Naturally, heat energy will move to regions with low pressure and temperatures. Your heat pump capitalizes on this property by bringing heat into contact with the cooler in a lower-pressure environment. As a result, the heat naturally transfers.

The heat pump blows the air inside your home across the coils, where the refrigerant absorbs the heat energy. The produced cool air gets blown throughout your home to create a cool environment.

Heat Pump’s Heating Effect

The heating process of your heat pump resembles that of the cooling process. The difference sets in when the reversing valve reverses the refrigerant flow.

So, the air outside your house becomes the heating source even at low temperatures, and the pump supplies heat energy inside your house. At this stage, the outdoor coils function as evaporators and the indoor coil as condensers.

Where the System Works Best

It’d help to consider the type of climate in Tequesta, FL, before buying your new system. These heating systems are prevalent in milder climates where temperatures don’t drop below freezing.

You can also combine your heat pumps with furnaces in colder regions for increased efficiency heating. That way, when outdoor temperatures drop beyond your heat pump’s operational level, the heating system switches to the furnace to provide heat.

The versatility of your heat pump helps cool or heat your home. So, you want to ensure that the system operates efficiently to avoid malfunctioning and failure. Contact Ranger Air Conditioning for quality HVAC services in Tequesta, FL.

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